Our Story

How it all started...

We started weekly vision casting Bible studies on September 14, 2008 to establish our focus and direction for a new Presbyterian church in Hernando, Mississippi. This in turn lead to a regular Friday men’s prayer breakfast and Bible study as well as a women’s mid-week Bible study in Ephesians. This was a very significant time in which God expanded our vision as men and women, who began to share a mutual concern for one another spiritually.

Expanding the vision...

Our next major step in the life of this church plant was regular public worship which began on Sunday, January 4, 2009. We then started our first community groups that fall with approximately 30–40 people in regular bi-monthly gatherings. At the same time, we began a new members' and inquirer's seminar in the home of the Clint and Kathy Wilcke. Over the next year, this allowed us as a church to gather 47 people to be trained and instructed in the biblical necessity and priority of the Church of Jesus Christ. These men, women, and children took formal vows to become members of the Christ Covenant family. In the winter and spring of 2010, we nominated and trained six men to become officers who would lead this church into the future. Bob Barber and Shaun Sipe were elected as Elders, along with the pastor, to establish the first Session of this church. We finally celebrated being recognized as a full-fledged church (particularized) in our denomination (PCA) on Sunday evening, September 12, 2010. On October 31st, Dick Brankstone, Rab Edwards, and Scott Sartor were installed to serve as deacons for this congregation and community.

Where we are headed...

We moved to our current church facility on Thousand Oaks Drive in 2016. During our time there, we have been blessed to see God work in the lives of others and see spiritual growth as well as numerical growth. In 2019, founding pastor Clint Wilke transitioned to serve with the Mid-South Church Planting Network and Rev. Jim Plunk was called to serve as pastor.

On October 30, 2022, the congregation voted to approve a measure to purchase land on Mount Pleasant Road for a long-term future home for Christ Covenant Church. We are excited to see what God will do in Hernando through Christ Covenant Church and invite you to join us!

Property Pics Coming Soon!

2055 Mount Pleasant Road

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the location of our future church home?
Our four-acre site is located at 2055 Mt. Pleasant Street in Hernando. The four acres was a part
of a larger tract of land totaling 21 acres and was subdivided out to accommodate the new
church building.
What are the plans for our new church home?
The Session appointed a Site and Building Design Committee tasked with coordinating and
overseeing the site and building planning process. Hord Architects based in Memphis has been
retained for initial programming an conceptual design.
How long will the planning process take?
The planning and design process began in June and is currently forecasted to conclude in the
fall of 2024.
Who will be involved in planning and design?
The entire church will provide input into the planning and design phase with focused attention
given from our ministry teams.
What happens after the planning and design phase?
After initial planning and design is complete and plans are approved by the Session with the
consent of the membership, we will enter a capital campaign to raise the needed financial
resources for construction.
How long will the whole process take?
Lord willing and by His grace, we hope that construction might begin in the fall of 2025.
How can I be involved?
There are a number of vital ways to support the work. First , of course, is prayer! The need for
added space for worship and ministry seems to increase weekly. Please include meeting this
need a regular part of your prayers. If you serve on a ministry team, participate in the planning
meetings and feedback opportunities. As a member of the congregation, provide input to the
committee and the process and participate in our congregation wide input and information
sessions. And consider how you may give financially to the building fund now and in the future.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at our current location!
1068 Thousand Oaks Drive, Hernando 38632
9:30 am